A Comprehensive Guide to Installing Wood Shakes for Your Roof

  1. Roof shingles
  2. Installation tips for shingles
  3. Installing wood shakes

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing wood shakes for your roof. Wood shakes are a popular choice for homeowners due to their natural look and durability. However, the installation process can be intimidating for those who have never done it before. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to successfully install wood shakes on your roof.

From materials and tools needed, to step-by-step instructions and tips, we've got you covered. So, whether you're a DIY enthusiast or a professional roofer, read on to learn everything you need to know about installing wood shakes. When it comes to roofing, wood shakes are a popular choice for their natural look and durability. However, proper installation is crucial to ensure the longevity of your roof. In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about installing wood shakes for your roof. Firstly, it's important to choose a reputable and local roofing contractor who specializes in wood shake installations.

This will ensure that the job is done correctly and with quality materials. Make sure to do your research and ask for references before hiring a contractor. When it comes to materials, wood shakes are typically made from cedar, redwood, or cypress. These types of wood are known for their durability and resistance to rot and insect damage. They also provide a unique and natural look to your roof. The installation process involves carefully laying the shakes in an overlapping pattern, starting at the bottom of the roof and working your way up.

This creates a waterproof barrier that prevents water from seeping into your home. It's important to use high-quality fasteners and spacing tools to ensure that the shakes are properly attached and spaced evenly. In addition to proper installation, ventilation is crucial for a wood shake roof. This helps prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to rot and other damage. A professional roofing contractor will be able to assess your home's ventilation needs and make sure that it is adequate for a wood shake roof. Finally, proper waterproofing techniques are essential for a long-lasting wood shake roof.

This includes using a waterproof underlayment between the shakes and the roof deck, as well as metal flashing around chimneys and vents. These measures help prevent water from getting under the shakes and causing damage. In conclusion, installing wood shakes requires careful planning, quality materials, and professional expertise. By choosing a reputable contractor, using the right materials, and following proper installation and waterproofing techniques, you can enjoy the beauty and durability of a wood shake roof for many years to come.

Importance of Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial when it comes to installing wood shakes for your roof. This is because wood shakes, being a natural material, are prone to moisture buildup.

Without proper ventilation, this moisture can become trapped in your roof, leading to issues such as mold, mildew, and rot. In addition to causing damage to your roof, moisture buildup can also affect the overall health of your home. It can create an environment for harmful bacteria and allergens to thrive, posing a risk to you and your family's health. This is why it is important to make sure that your roof has proper ventilation before and during the installation of wood shakes. This will not only protect your roof from potential damage but also ensure the safety and well-being of your household.

Choosing the Right Contractor

Choosing the Right ContractorWhen it comes to installing wood shakes for your roof, finding the right contractor is essential. Not all contractors are experienced in working with wood shakes, so it's important to do your research and find someone who has the knowledge and skills to properly install them. Here are a few things to look for when choosing a contractor:
  • Experience with Wood Shakes: Make sure the contractor has experience installing wood shakes specifically.

    This will ensure that they know the proper techniques and methods for installation.

  • Licensed and Insured: It's important to hire a licensed and insured contractor for any roofing project. This will protect you in case of any accidents or damages during the installation process.
  • Positive Reviews: Check online reviews and ask for references from previous clients. A reputable contractor should have positive reviews and happy customers.
  • Transparent Pricing: The contractor should provide you with a detailed breakdown of the costs involved in the project. Beware of any hidden fees or charges.
By taking the time to carefully choose a contractor, you can ensure that your wood shake installation will be done correctly and efficiently.

Don't be afraid to ask questions and get multiple quotes before making your decision.

Waterproofing Techniques

When it comes to installing wood shakes for your roof, one of the most important steps is ensuring proper waterproofing. Without proper waterproofing, your roof is susceptible to damage from water and moisture, leading to potential leaks and other issues. In this section, we will cover the essential steps for properly waterproofing your wood shake roof. First, it is crucial to properly prepare the surface of your roof before installing the wood shakes.

This includes removing any existing shingles, repairing any damaged areas, and ensuring the surface is clean and dry. Next, you will need to apply a layer of waterproofing underlayment. This acts as a barrier between the wood shakes and your roof deck, preventing any water from seeping through. Make sure to choose a high-quality underlayment specifically designed for wood shake roofs.

Once the underlayment is in place, it is time to start installing the wood shakes. It is essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully and ensure that each shake overlaps the one below it to create a watertight seal. After all the shakes are installed, it is crucial to inspect for any gaps or areas that may need additional sealing. Use roofing cement or sealant to fill in any gaps or cracks and create a watertight seal.

Finally, make sure to regularly maintain your wood shake roof by checking for any damage or wear and tear. Addressing any issues early on can help prevent water damage and extend the lifespan of your roof.

Installation Process

Installing wood shakes can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and tools, it can be done successfully. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you through the installation process.

Step 1: Prepare Your Roof

The first step in installing wood shakes is to prepare your roof. This involves removing any old shingles, repairing any damaged areas, and ensuring the roof is clean and free of debris.

Step 2: Measure and Cut the Shakes

Before installing the wood shakes, you will need to measure and cut them to fit your roof.

It is important to measure accurately and use proper tools to ensure the shakes fit securely.

Step 3: Install Underlayment

Next, you will need to install an underlayment over your roof. This will provide an extra layer of protection against water and help to prevent leaks.

Step 4: Lay the Shakes

Now it's time to start laying the wood shakes. Begin at the bottom of the roof and work your way up, making sure each shake overlaps the one below it. Use roofing nails to secure the shakes in place.

Step 5: Trim and Finish

Once all the shakes are in place, trim any excess and finish off the edges with ridge caps or other finishing materials. Following these steps will ensure a proper installation of wood shakes on your roof.

It may seem like a lot of work, but it will be worth it for a durable and beautiful roof.

Materials Used for Wood Shakes

When it comes to roofing materials, wood shakes are a popular option due to their natural look and durability. However, not all wood shakes are created equal. The type of wood used can greatly impact the quality and longevity of your roof. In this section, we will cover the different types of wood used for wood shakes and their unique characteristics.


Cedar is one of the most common types of wood used for wood shakes.

It is known for its natural resistance to decay, making it a durable choice for roofing. Cedar also has a beautiful color and grain pattern, adding to the aesthetic appeal of wood shakes.


Cypress is another popular choice for wood shakes due to its natural oils that make it resistant to rot and decay. It also has a unique reddish-brown color that can add a rustic charm to your roof.


Pine is a more affordable option for wood shakes, but it is not as durable as cedar or cypress. However, it can still provide a natural and rustic look to your roof.

Keep in mind that pine may require more maintenance and may not last as long as other types of wood.


Spruce is a lightweight and affordable option for wood shakes. It is also naturally resistant to decay, making it a suitable choice for roofing. However, spruce may not have the same level of durability as cedar or cypress. When choosing the type of wood for your wood shakes, consider the climate and weather conditions in your area, as well as your budget and desired aesthetic. Proper maintenance and installation can also greatly impact the longevity of your roof.

Consult with a professional roofer to determine the best type of wood for your specific needs. In conclusion, installing wood shakes for your roof is a great choice for its natural beauty and durability. However, it's important to choose a reputable contractor, use quality materials, and follow proper installation and waterproofing techniques. With proper care and maintenance, your wood shake roof can last for many years to come.

Lucy Williams
Lucy Williams

Evil internetaholic. Certified food scholar. Subtly charming beer fanatic. Infuriatingly humble pizza lover. Award-winning music fanatic.

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